DD-WRT is Linux-based firmware for wireless routers and access points.Originally designed for the Linksys WRT54G series, it now runs on a wide variety of models.DD-WRT is one of a handful of third-party firmware projects designed to replace manufacturer's original firmware with custom firmware offering additional features or functionality.
Firmware FAQ - DD-WRT Wiki By default, DD-WRT firmware tries to acquire network information and a public IP via DHCP protocol over the router's WAN port. This primarily works with Cable Modem users. [ edit ] Help! Timeline – DD-WRT I have the Netgear WNR3500L v2 on DD-WRT build v3.0-r43502 giga … 12:32 PM Ticket #6807 (Special Characters Breaking DHCP Server r41027) closed by kernel-panic69 invalid: There are only certain characters that can be used for hostnames for … 10:25 AM Changeset [43513] by brainslayer Install and Configure a DD-WRT Kong Router : 16 Steps
Index of /builds
I have the Netgear WNR3500L v2 on DD-WRT build v3.0-r43502 giga … 12:32 PM Ticket #6807 (Special Characters Breaking DHCP Server r41027) closed by kernel-panic69 invalid: There are only certain characters that can be used for hostnames for … 10:25 AM Changeset [43513] by brainslayer Install and Configure a DD-WRT Kong Router : 16 Steps Get Files From Kong's Download Page. From the folder called "Initial", download the CHK file dd …
DD-WRT Router Guide | How to install DD-WRT & configure
DD-WRT is not a company, but rather a group effort by hobbyists. The only sure way not to miss out on something is to google your router with site:dd-wrt.com.There will usually be a page dedicated to the router (yours is here) that you should compare with the router-database, but more recent builds may be found in the forum. Aug 03, 2015 · Your DD-WRT router is jam-packed with tons of valuable features, and I would recommend taking advantage of the FTP features. However, a VPN back to your private home network is a more secure option because your traffic will be encrypted. No DD-WRT images work for WRT32X at the moment (despite they have two betas on the FTP - router will not boot with them). Update procedure quite simple: Upload image to router (via openssh-sft-server or other methods, rename it to .img) sysupgrade reboot; wipe tears; triple on/off to reboot from partition #1 (to stock firmware)