Jul 20, 2008
Fix The default gateway is not available After Windows 10 Dec 15, 2017 Default Gateway Blank - social.technet.microsoft.com Mar 18, 2011 Using the Local Default Gateway with a Windows VPN Connection
Nov 27, 2013
Fix ‘the Default Gateway Is Not Available’ Windows 7 Dec 06, 2019
Fix for Default Gateway Is Not Available In Windows 8/7/8
List Windows Default Gateway. As we can see from screenshot the network destination address specifies the default gateway line.If we look to the Gateway column we will see which is default gateway of the windows system. Jun 30, 2011 · In order to override the default settings, you need to adjust the index of gateway metric for each physical adapter. The adapter assigned with the lowest index will always take precedence and used by Windows 7 automatically. For instance, if you want to use the wired connection when both wired and wireless are available in your network. Use Windows 8 bootloader with Windows 7 as default OS location: 8forums.com - date: March 18, 2013 I would like to use the windows 8 bootloader, BUT have Windows 7 as the default Operating system (OS) so if no selection is made in the Windows 8 bootloader, Windows 7 will load. Windows 7 - Default Gateway Not saved after reboot location: microsoft.com - date: June 24, 2010 Thank you for this! I have been working on a thin client with Windows Embedded Standard 7 that was suffering from the same problem as the OP. You fix did the trick! Hopefully anyone else also looking for help with WE7 can find this too. I've seen on a few computers (all have been Windows 7 so far) where out of no where there will be 2 default gateways:, and the real one that applies to their particular net connection. Having that gateway on there prevents access to any resource not in the current LAN. It's pretty easy to fix: route delete ipconfig Jan 10, 2010 · If you use the remote default gateway, Internet traffic goes through the remote connection. By default, Windows VPN connections use the remote gateway – but changing the default is very easy. Open your local network connections (on Vista or Windows 7, just click the network icon in the tray), find your VPN connection, right-click it, and Jun 18, 2013 · He is experiencing a known issue with Windows operating system - Supposedly the registry creates a blank value in the location of the Default Gateway and it causes the I.P. address to revert back to