Apr 18, 2018

May 28, 2018 Simple proxy authentication using squid - Server Fault I'm trying to configure squid to require authentication. I've got squid to work without authentication, than I. htpasswd -c /etc/squid3/passwd foo after this, I've replaced . http_access allow all with . acl foo proxy_auth REQUIRED http_access allow foo http_access deny all and added Proxy Authentication Required. during using myWebClient Feb 28, 2013

RFC 7235 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1

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How to enable Proxy settings and Proxy Authentication in

Oct 29, 2019 Configure proxy settings for the on-premises data gateway Use a stronger proxy authentication mechanism to resolve. In addition to using default credentials, you can add a element to define proxy server settings in more detail. For example, you can specify that your on-premises data gateway should always use the proxy, even for local resources, by setting the bypassonlocal parameter to false. You are repeatedly prompted to enter your credentials to Apr 19, 2018