13 reasons not to use Chrome | InfoWorld
Force Cortana to use Google instead of Bing - CNET You can actually force Cortana to use Google -- or DuckDuckGo, or Yahoo -- instead of Bing with a Google Chrome extension called Chrometana. Here's how to do that. 1. How to clear HSTS settings in Chrome and Firefox If you attempt to reach the same site on another browser and don’t run into the same issues, it could just be a problem with how the HSTS settings have affected your original browser. In that case, you will need to clear them. Here’s how to clear HSTS settings on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
Andrea is having trouble using Google Chrome. She even tried to remove and reinstall it. Leo says one possibility is to try and run Chrome in safe mode. If this works, then there may be an extension that's corrupted or broken and therefore breaking her browser.
Mouse Disappears In Chrome - How To Fix? [SOLVED]
It has Edge but i can't get my online driving lessons to work on that and it says I need Chrome. When I try to download it, it takes me to an app store on my computer where it shows google. When you go to download that, it says it's not avaible for this computer.
If you attempt to reach the same site on another browser and don’t run into the same issues, it could just be a problem with how the HSTS settings have affected your original browser. In that case, you will need to clear them. Here’s how to clear HSTS settings on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. The default setting will be to delete the browsing data for the past hour, but if you have had this problem of not being able to use Google Search in Chrome for longer than an hour, you can change the setting of “Obliterate the following items from…” to a longer period. If you are not sure, leave this as “the past hour” for now.